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The formation of The STRIKEFORCE… a Christian ministry percussion group in City Harvest Church.

Since 2000, Boon has understood that percussion music would be the next frontier in stage

performances, he first gathered about 25 drummers & percussionists in 2003 for some performances in CHC. In late 2003, a mix of 60 youths and some adults (from whom many had never held a drumstick before) were trained by Boon for Chingay 2004. With the blessing of Pastor Kong Hee, this same group of people also became "The Strikeforce", a Christian ministry led by Boon at CHC beginning Nov 2004. 


He also envisaged training anyone with no experience in drumming, expecting only from them to have a strong interest and be eager to learn. From a group of novices, The Strikeforce very quickly grew in numbers and had at one point seen 200 members take part in its activities in the first 6 months.

Due to their popularity, excellence in performance, and professional attitude, while

constantly doing their part in Christian ministry, the Strikeforce, was being approached

by many government & corporate agencies to perform at their events.

For national community events, the Strikeforce performed in Chingay 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, and National Day Parade 2005, 2006 & 2009. They also went on sponsored trips to Japan (Midosuji Parade OSAKA and NAMBA Joyful Marching Band Festival), China, Taiwan, and Malaysia for drum performances.

As the head instructor of the Strikeforce, Boon helped these inexperienced drummers to

earn extra pocket money by engaging some players from the Strikeforce as freelance

drummers to perform at some of these paying corporate events. 

While it was good that the members of the Strikeforce gained much experience & 

accolades from performing at corporate events, in 2009, it was also the correct time that The Strikeforce stepped up to their position as a full-time Gospel Christian Percussion Group. Since then, the members of the Strikeforce, as an entity have focused solely on

firstly Christian and Mission events, followed by Charity events, and lastly Community events by non-profit organizations.

2004 till 2012 

  • Crossing Over Pastors Graduate Ceremony 2004

  • CHC Emerge '05 '06 '07 '09 

  • CHC Asia Conference '08 '10

  • The Strikeforce had performed countless concerts for Come Celebrate Christmas in Orchard Road.

  • 2011 City Harvest Church Suntec Opening Drum Act by The Strikeforce

  • The Strikeforce performed at Festival of Praise 2009, 2011, Global Day of Prayer 2008 and 2009.

  • House of Joy Performance 2011

  • You are not alone Concert 16 Apr 2011 for Japan Tsunami Victims

    2009 - Boon had long foresaw the potential popularity of the Cajon way before it was popular and he initiated the CAJON INTEGRATION XTREME OPERATION to the Strikeforce for City Harvest Church. Within 6 months, all the Strikeforce members had their own Cajons and was serving in their cell groups and supported many other cell groups playing alongside the guitar during praise and worship. With that, a natural progression led to a subsidiary ministry named Cajon Ministry being born and an extra 200 non-Strikeforce members also received training from the Strikeforce members and continued to bring a rhythmic music element and addition to nearly all the cell groups in a 33,000 member City Harvest Church at that time.

    July 15, 2011 - The Strikeforce evolved from just a percussion band into a praise and worship music band with a strong emphasis on rhythm. They kickstarted with a SFMT program (StrikeForce Mission Trip program) in their studio and delivered the full experience before more than 60 unsuspecting audiences.

    In 2012 and with the blessings of Pastor Sun, the Strikeforce became a para-church independent organization that provided itself greater access to perform for any church or Christian organization and blessing an even larger part of the Christian community.

    These are the events that followed…

  • Global Conclave Christian Conference 18 to 20 Oct 2012 New Delhi INDIA

  • Canaan Church Full CHRISTMAS 2012 service featuring the STRIKEFORCE in Songs, Testimony, Drums and Dance

  • Enamour Fund Raising Concert 2012

  • Kingdom Invasion 2013

  • Festival of Praise 2013

  • African Praise Fest 2013

  • Voices for Hospice 2013 concert

  • Flavours Combined Service 2013 Cornerstone Community Church

  • FOPx 2016

  • Bethesda Cathedral Carnival 2016

  • GO FORTH Conference Methodist Churches 2018

    The Strikeforce performed at Celebration of Hope 2019 for 2 of its 5 events and they were a part of DRUMMERS FOR JESUS CHRIST which are many Christian drum groups gathered by Boon.

    They also went on to perform a full 15 min show for Toa Payoh Methodist Christmas 2019 at the Toa Payoh Amphitheater.

    Till today The Strikeforce stays committed as a Christian gospel percussion group that was formed for the very purpose of producing exciting spirited praise worship and drum
    performances for the Christian Community and its masses.

    Catch more STRIKEFORCE VIDEOS here!

Boon's ethos in raising up talents is found in the Bible 1 Sam 18:7-8
And as the women danced, they sang out: “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” 8 And Saul was furious and resented this song. “They have ascribed tens of thousands to David,” he said, “but only thousands to me. What more can he have but the kingdom?”…

Verse 7 - Absolutely - This should be the case for every successful leader


Verse 8 - The exact opposite, infact Boon has constantly let the people he trained in The Strikeforce shine very brightly in the front and take leadership positions in all possible avenues.

Selected Videos of the Strikeforce
Take The Strikeforce Photo Journey


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